Jazz Business. A place where Ideas meet investments
27-28 June 2025 |
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MIND INVEST SUMMIT is the point at which Ukrainian businesses begin their journey to the West, and European businesses begin their journey to Ukraine.
We have brought together more than 1,000 participants – foreign investors and philanthropists, government officials, representatives of large, medium and small businesses – who believe in Ukraine's victory and are working together to create a Ukrainian economic miracle.
As part of the Summit, we have revived the atmosphere of a major Lviv Jazz Festival. After the official part of the event, guests will enjoy unforgettable jazz sessions to spend as much time as possible in Lviv and have the opportunity to network in a more informal atmosphere.

Speakers 2024

Viktor Yushchenko

The third President of Ukraine
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Viktor Yushchenko

The third President of Ukraine

Roman Matys

President of International Investment Office
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Roman Matys

President of International Investment Office

Mykhailo Podolyak

Ukrainian politician, political strategist, journalist, crisis manager, and advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine
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Mykhailo Podolyak

Ukrainian politician, political strategist, journalist, crisis manager, and advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

Andriy Sadovyi

Lviv City Mayor

Vasyl Khmelnytsky

Ukrainian entrepreneur and the founder of UFuture
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Vasyl Khmelnytsky

Ukrainian entrepreneur and the founder of UFuture

Ruslan Magomedov

Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine
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Ruslan Magomedov

Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine

Rostyslav Vovk

Chairman of The Supervisory Board of Kormotech LLC
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Rostyslav Vovk

Chairman of The Supervisory Board of Kormotech LLC

Kateryna Zagoriy

Co-founder of the Zagoriy Foundation social projects bureau and director of the board of directors of the Darnytsia pharmaceutical company
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Kateryna Zagoriy

Co-founder of the Zagoriy Foundation social projects bureau and director of the board of directors of the Darnytsia pharmaceutical company

Serhii Kovalenko

CEO Yasno
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Serhii Kovalenko

CEO Yasno

Taras Kytsmey

Co-Founder and Board Member of SoftServe
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Taras Kytsmey

Co-Founder and Board Member of SoftServe

Ashot Abrahamyan

CEO at Bank «Lviv»
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Ashot Abrahamyan

CEO at Bank «Lviv»

Mykhaylo Bubnov

General Director Schneider Electric Ukraine
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Mykhaylo Bubnov

General Director Schneider Electric Ukraine

Serhii Martynchuk

CEO of Cisco Ukraine
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Serhii Martynchuk

CEO of Cisco Ukraine

Serhiy Prytula

Volunteer, public figure, founder of Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation
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Serhiy Prytula

Volunteer, public figure, founder of Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation

Vitaly Koval

Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine
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Vitaly Koval

Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine

Jennes de Mol

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine

Yevhen Shpytko

Editor-in-Chief of Mind.ua

Oleksandr Prokhorovych

Fiscal Regulation Manager Philip Morris Ukraine
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Oleksandr Prokhorovych

Fiscal Regulation Manager Philip Morris Ukraine

Оleksandr Melnychenko

Acting Executive Director, UkraineInvest
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Оleksandr Melnychenko

Acting Executive Director, UkraineInvest

Tetiana Lukyniuk

B2C Director at Kyivstar
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Tetiana Lukyniuk

B2C Director at Kyivstar

Stepan Veselovskyi

CEO at Lviv IT Cluster
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Stepan Veselovskyi

CEO at Lviv IT Cluster

Mykola Veresen

Ukrainian journalist, TV presenter, public and political figure

Vitaly Sedler

CEO/Co-founder at Intellias
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Vitaly Sedler

CEO/Co-founder at Intellias

Vitaliy Deynega

Former Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Founder of “Come back alive” charity fund
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Vitaliy Deynega

Former Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Founder of “Come back alive” charity fund

Ivan Kompan

Director of Deloitte Academy in Ukraine and founder of First Kyiv Investment Club
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Ivan Kompan

Director of Deloitte Academy in Ukraine and founder of First Kyiv Investment Club

Roman Waschuk

Business Ombudsman of Ukraine
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Roman Waschuk

Business Ombudsman of Ukraine

Roman Cherepakha

Investment Director Horizon Capital
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Roman Cherepakha

Investment Director Horizon Capital

Artem Shcherbina

Capital Times Investment Director
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Artem Shcherbina

Capital Times Investment Director

Yuliia Lipovetska

Ex-director of a Big Four company, founder and CEO of SAPience

Mykola Babenko

CEO of the Meat Industry Association of Ukraine
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Mykola Babenko

CEO of the Meat Industry Association of Ukraine

Boris Shestopalov

Co-owner and CEO of HD-group
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Boris Shestopalov

Co-owner and CEO of HD-group

Oles Pishchak

Owner Audit of Sales, managing partner BUDE DIM
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Oles Pishchak

Owner Audit of Sales, managing partner BUDE DIM

Dmytro Kuzmenko

Director of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
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Dmytro Kuzmenko

Director of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association

Danilo Yakub

Senior Partner and COO at Diligent Capital Partners
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Danilo Yakub

Senior Partner and COO at Diligent Capital Partners

Dmytro Khorishko

СЕО Ukrainian Aerospace Cluster
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Dmytro Khorishko

СЕО Ukrainian Aerospace Cluster

Remigijus Simasius

Former Minister of Justice of Lithuania, Former Mayour of Vilnius
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Remigijus Simasius

Former Minister of Justice of Lithuania, Former Mayour of Vilnius

Yevhen Klopotenko

Chef, businessman, public activist
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Yevhen Klopotenko

Chef, businessman, public activist

Sasha Reminnyi

IT entrepreneur, Angel Investor
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Sasha Reminnyi

IT entrepreneur, Angel Investor

Natalka Sleptsova

Co-founder of Business Stand Up
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Natalka Sleptsova

Co-founder of Business Stand Up

Dmytro Shvets

Director of Start Global, author of the Start Global Insights podcast for exporters
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Dmytro Shvets

Director of Start Global, author of the Start Global Insights podcast for exporters

Mariia Shevchuk

CEO at IT Ukraine Association
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Mariia Shevchuk

CEO at IT Ukraine Association

Andriy Trofimov

Senior Director, Software Engineering at EPAM Systems, PMP
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Andriy Trofimov

Senior Director, Software Engineering at EPAM Systems, PMP

Denys Sviatokum

Co-founder and executive director Defense Alliance of Ukraine
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Denys Sviatokum

Co-founder and executive director Defense Alliance of Ukraine

Ivan Petrenko

Managing Partner at Angel One Fund
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Ivan Petrenko

Managing Partner at Angel One Fund

Anna Haiduchok

Head of the Export promotion and Cluster development Component of the EU4Business Programme, GIZ
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Anna Haiduchok

Head of the Export promotion and Cluster development Component of the EU4Business Programme, GIZ

Oleksandr Kolb

General partner and co-founder Toloka, CEO Promodo
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Oleksandr Kolb

General partner and co-founder Toloka, CEO Promodo

Olga Rudneva

CEO and co-founder Superhumans Center
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Olga Rudneva

CEO and co-founder Superhumans Center

Yulia Vitka

Acting Chief of Party, USAID Investment for Business Resilience Activity

Dmytro Zozulia

Head of M&A, MHP
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Dmytro Zozulia

Head of M&A, MHP

Ksenia Orynchak


Petr Stransky

Partner at IDAP Global
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Petr Stransky

Partner at IDAP Global

Olena Unanyan

LUN Development Director
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Olena Unanyan

LUN Development Director

Dmytro Kharchenko

CEO and owner of the development company Vertex

Nazar Kmit

Co-owner of Mukko agricultural holding, Operations Director of the plant

Dmytro Mikhailenko

Managing partner of Crowe Mikhailenko
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Dmytro Mikhailenko

Managing partner of Crowe Mikhailenko

Partners 2024

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Mind Invest Summit 2024 Moments

Get Your Tickets


  • 10% discount on hotel accommodation
  • Coffee breaks
  • Buffet
  • Access to a closed chat for 1 month
  • Conference materials
  • 1 ticket to a jazz concert
  • Opportunity to purchase up to 4 tickets to jazz evenings for friends and partners at a special price
6000 UAH
12000 UAH


  • 50% discount on hotel accommodation
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch in the VIP zone with speakers
  • Access to a closed chat
  • Conference materials
  • 2 tickets to a jazz concert
  • Opportunity to purchase up to 10 tickets to jazz evenings for friends and partners at a special price
  • Fast-line registration
  • Priority seats in the hall
  • Parking place
14900 UAH
29800 UAH